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July 1 is ID Your Pet Day!

Publish Time: 2022-07-01     Origin: Site

TAIZHOU FLOURISH LEISURE CO.,LTD is Celebrating I.D. Your Pet Day!

It is sad that too many pets go missing each year and are never returned to their loving families because they had no identification.

More dogs and cats go missing on July 4th than any other day due to the sights and sounds of fireworks.


* Don’t bring Fluffy or Fido to the fireworks celebration. Leave them home. Pets have much better hearing than humans, and the noise is not only deafening but terrifying for them. While us humans find the glitter entertaining, our pets become stressed and anxious, causing them to bolt and run away from this frightening situation

* If you are setting off fireworks in your backyard or you know that your neighbors are going to be setting a few off, keep your pets safe in a quiet, sheltered, and escape-proof area at home. Make sure it’s escape-proof because we all know, cats are especially good at magically getting through the door, no matter how careful we are.

Exposure to lit fireworks can potentially result in severe burns and/or trauma to the face and paws of curious pets.

* Even if the fireworks are just sitting idle, they can be poisonous to your pets. , Many types contain potentially toxic substances, including potassium nitrate, arsenic, and other heavy metals.

About Dog Adoption,these are the things you need to know:

Dogs were domesticated by humans about 20,000 years ago and have since entered human life and work, but not every dog has been properly cared for and fed by humans since then.

As early as 2013, studies speculated that the number of dogs in the world has exceeded 900 million, but 83% are free-range dog or homeless small stray dogs.

Host and relief organizations around the world are currently under pressure from lack of human and financial assistance.

If you support #Adoption instead of Buying #The following you need to know.

Ask yourself 6 questions before adoption

1. Is it acceptable to families?

The environment and atmosphere in which dogs live is very important. If someone in the family does not support having a new dog in the house, the dog will soon feel this "resentment".

2. Are you really ready to take on the responsibility of owning a dog?

Although adoption allows you to save money on dogs. But bringing the dog home is the real beginning. You need to provide it with quality food, necessities, regular health check-ups, timely medical treatment when sick, and even preparation for home repairs (caused by dog demolition).

3. Is there time left for the dog every day?

Let the dog live a healthy and happy life, go out with it every day, interactive play is indispensable.

4. Is the living environment convenient and friendly for dogs?

You need to know in advance whether there is a suitable place to walk the dog near your home, where the nearest pet hospital is, and how receptive the neighbors are to the dog.

5. Can the dog's sports needs be met by itself?

If you don't love sports, adopting a sports dog will make you miserable. Let the dog move out of the cage before adoption and observe how active he is.

6. Are you willing to continue learning for your dog?  

We need to learn about dogs to better understand dogs and raise them.


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